Astroleague Convention Planning Checklist Mini-Checklist: Information Package.


In your Registration Information Package, be sure to include the following information:

  • Title of event.
  • Date(s) and location.
  • Brief information on host society.
  • Tentative schedule (may change) including main speakers with biographies, workshop/seminar sessions, tours, etc.
  • Door prizes available, if you know of any by then.
  • Registration form with information on costs, descriptions, and signups for:
    • Pre-Registration, Late Registration, and Family Rates
    • Accommodations
    • Meals and Banquet
    • Tours/Side Trips
    • Proceedings
    • Group Photo
  • Other forms with information on descriptions and signups for:
    • Call for papers: A/V equipment needed; specify time limit! - Emphasize that submitted written papers (to be included in the Proceedings of National conventions) should be typed, preferably in Elite, single-spaced, with a ¾" margin all around.
    • Astrophotography, Telescope, and/or Art Contests
    • Display area: tables needed, electricity, etc.
    • Special information about the site, such as, for example, that they have a pool or tennis courts available.
  • Brochures, if available, describing the city, your convention site, and local points of interest.
  • List of local restaurants (plus short descriptions and price ranges), gas stations and alternate lodging choices, with maps if possible.
  • MAPS! For good coverage, include three: 1 of a 50-square mile radius around convention site; 1 of a 3-mile radius around convention site; and one of the convention site itself showing parking areas, etc.
  • Time, location and map of star party or alternate events in case of bad weather.
  • Transportation available in area, such as airports, bus and train stations, plus any special rates that may be arranged.
  • Time and location for registration and dorm/lodging check-in.
  • Name, address and phone number of a person who can be contacted for information at all times, and a number on-site where someone can be reached throughout the convention. National conventions should have someone available 24 hours a day.
  • Disclaimer notice: "The organizers reserve the right to make such changes to the program and speakers as may be necessary due to conditions outside their control."