Astroleague Convention Planning Checklist Section 6 - One Week to Convention

One Week and Less:

  • Final Arrangement Checks. Complete arrangements for audio-visual equipment and ensure that the program subcommittee has an adequate supply of A/V equipment operators. Check with all suppliers that the materials they are scheduled to supply will be on-site at the appropriate time. Confirm that speakers have all the necessary information. Make final arrangements for transportation from airport, if necessary. Review the contract with convention site prior to payment. Confirm details with university (hotel, etc.), including rooms, cloakrooms, registration procedures, meals, etc.

    Send Out Press Kits to Media, including a copy of the printed program.

  • Final Committee Meeting Prior to Convention. Meet with convention committee members, especially your on-site committee, to finalize last-minute details. Also make sure that everyone is prepared for last-minute snafus. Find out what should be done if you have a problem. What if there is a power failure, or a fire alarm sounds, or there is a problem with meals? Be prepared for anything and everything!

    Check Star Party Site, if it is to be used. Make sure it is "cleaned up" - the grass is cut, and everything is in operational order. Make sure there will be volunteers available to help guide people for parking. At a dark site (observing convention), do you have an alternate plan in case of bad weather? Put signs up, if necessary, to help attendees find the location from the road, before the star party is to begin.

Day Prior:

  • Put Out Signs, large and clearly lettered (and waterproof!), guiding people to convention site. Put some at least 2 blocks away from all directions, and one guiding people to registration headquarters once on-site. Also be sure to point the way to the food! Make sure that there are signs with arrows and room numbers guiding people within the building(s) on-site, and in co-ed dorms, make sure the restrooms are properly labeled!
  • Check Arrival On-Site of all audio-visual equipment and materials. Also, check final details with university (hotel, etc.). Check final details regarding tours and transportation. Check audio-visual equipment to ensure it is working properly. Have extra bulbs, slide trays, etc. Check location and operation of power outlets, lighting controls and podium lights to ensure all are working. Make sure you have enough extension cords and converters.
  • Set Up Hospitality Suite, if you've chosen to have one.