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Our first place winner is Michael Mills, editor of the Northern Virginia Astronomy Club Newsletter. NOVAC is one of the largest clubs in the League, and publishing a newsletter for hundreds of members is no easy task. In the words of NOVAC President, Ed Karch, "Mike has improved the content and quality of the newsletter while reducing costs to the club." His newsletter always carries interesting and in depth coverage that captures the interest of readers. For his dedicated service as NOVAC newsletter editor, the Astronomical League proudly presents the 2001 Mabel Sterns Award to Mike Mills.
Our second place is Jim Anderson, editor of Observations, newsletter of the Chester County Astronomical Society in Thornton, Pennsylvania. He has produced an award winning newsletter for many years. In addition to serving as newsletter editor, Jim has served his club as Astronomical League correspondent, as an observing awards coordinator, and he has established a new e-mail service for the newsletter. In addition, he is always active with club meetings and public outreach programs. Jim is a remarkable astronomer and well deserving of this award. This is the second consecutive year that Jim has been recognized as one of the outstanding editors of the League.
Laurie Maloney, editor of The Webfooted Astronomer, the newsletter of the Seattle Astronomical Society (SAS), wins third place in the 2001 Mabel Sterns competition. With more than twelve years experience as a professional editor, Laurie has the talents needed to produce a very professional newsletter. Laurie was instrumental in engineering the club's first ever, online web edition. SAS President Mary Ingersoll sums it up best, "Laurie has done a brilliant job with our newsletter, and the society is very fortunate to have her experience and dedicated service."
Our fourth place winner is Patrick Carr, editor of the Photon Gazette, a quarterly publication of the Christian Association of Stellar Explorers in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. Patrick's dedication to amateur astronomy is amazing. Not only does he serve as President of CASE, but he is a regional officer of the Astronomical League. Based upon his many talents as editor of the "Photon Gazette", the League presents fourth place to Patrick Carr.
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